Our hope is that with these next steps, you will gain knowledge and information to help disciple your faith journey. We are excited to partner with you as you begin to know God and build a biblical-based community. Let's grow together.
Understand Biblical Principles and Uncover How to Follow God

Know God:
- God desires to know you in a personal relationship.
- The gift of eternal life and forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus.
- Baptism is a symbol of our faith. It represents your sins being washed away and coming up as a new creation in Christ Jesus.
Read the Bible:
- Reading the Bible daily and choosing to obey and stand on God’s Word.

Community Groups:
- Intended to foster strong and healthy relationships within our church and communities.
- Spending time with God in private and corporate worship and prayer.

- Using the gifts and talents God has given you to help others and build His Kingdom.
- Give generously through tithes and offerings to further the mission and make an impact for the Kingdom.