Day 17 - 21 Day Fast

Day 17 - Pray for the Venture Multiplication Network
Matthew 28:19-20
Our church is a multiplying church. Over the last 15 years we have helped dozens of other churches launch so the gospel may be spread throughout their city.
As a church, we have a missional mindset. Our job is to multiply disciples, leaders, and churches. We are building a legacy of churches that will exist beyond our own time.
- Thank God for all the churches He has allowed us to help launch and support all over the world.
- Ask God to forgive you from limiting your focus to only what immediately impacts you.
- Ask God to give you a heart for not only our community but those that are lost in our city, state, and world.
- Yield your talents by finding a way you can begin using your gifts to build up God’s Church.
Posted in All Church
Posted in prayer and fasting, 21 day fast, daniel fast, vmn, venture multiplication network
Posted in prayer and fasting, 21 day fast, daniel fast, vmn, venture multiplication network
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